Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Minor Lifestyle Changes

Now that I've spent a couple of days here, I've discovered some minor lifestyle changes I've made.

1) I take multiple showers per day. One in the morning. One after I work out. One at night if I happen to go out. I guess I could limit it to two showers, but alas, I am simply too lazy to get up and work out in the morning.

2) I now look right left right instead of left right left when crossing the street, since Singaporeans are old school and drive on the other side of the street.

3) I eat at Hawker centers (great massive outdoors food courts). They exist on every corner. I'll post some pics soon.

4) I live for samosas. They are delicious.

Tootles for now!


  1. Hey baby,hope you'll have a wonderful life there! Have fun!

    --Liwen Shen

  2. samosas!! they are yummilicious!!
